🌟 Illustfolio Lumina January Update: UI Updates for External Links and More

External Links, QoL Improvements

Hi, this is Showkaku Sano. Thank you so much for using Illustfolio Lumina! I’m grateful for your continued support and look forward to providing even more value this year.

Here’s the update information for January. This month, I made several small improvements to enhance usability. For details on how to update, please check the “Update the Themes” section in the help documentation.

External links are links that lead to websites other than your own.

Now, external links will automatically open in a new tab. For example, in the image above, “About” is an internal link since it navigates within your own site, while “Buy Illustfolio Lumina” is an external link because it takes users to a purchase page on a different site. Other examples of external links include links to social media platforms.

With this change, the browser will keep your page open even after users click an external link. This helps reduce the likelihood of visitors leaving your site entirely. Please note that this setting cannot be disabled.

Visual Adjustments

Here are the changes made to improve text appearance:

  • Slightly adjusted text colors to blend better with the background.

  • Removed underlines from in-text links within posts.

Note: If the links are difficult to distinguish from regular text, please adjust the link color. This can be done in the customization settings under “Accent Color.”

  • On permalink pages, adjusted the spacing between the header and content. (This was mentioned in the previous newsletter.)

Discontinuation of the Trial Version

As previously announced, the distribution of the trial version has been discontinued. This decision was made because more users than expected opted to purchase the full version directly without using the trial.

That said, there were still a few recent cases where users tried the trial version before purchasing the full version, so I believe it helped encourage some of those purchases. Thank you to everyone who used the trial version!

For a full list of updates, please refer to the release notes.

Coming Up Next

The details of the next update are still under consideration, so please stay tuned for further announcements.

One idea I’ve been thinking about for a while is adding a dark mode. This would allow users to choose darker colors in addition to the current light background. Recently, while analyzing how the theme is being used, I noticed some sites customizing their backgrounds to darker tones. This has made me consider prioritizing this feature. While it’s still in the research phase, I’ll share any progress as it happens.

Your feedback can influence development priorities, so please feel free to share your thoughts!

This concludes this month’s newsletter. If you haven’t purchased the theme yet, you can do so here!

See you next time!